Sunday, May 26, 2013

New series coming to Youtube!

Sorry it's been a while since I last posted. Our desktop has crashed, mom said she would take it to the shop. To get it fixed, but we currently don't have the money. And every so often my mom lets me use her laptop. Usually I upload my pics and videos to her laptop, then plug my USB plug into her laptop and upload my pics and vids to my Kindle Fire . Only my kindle won't upload my videos even though it's supposed to be able to. Now let me stop my ranting and get to the point.

Before my desktop crashed again I was trying to upload a trailer/preview of  my new series
coming to YouTube. Here's the title image I made so I can kinda have you guessing what it is about.  I will give you a hint: my English teacher Mr. Johnson said it kinda had a Steven
king feel to it. Hope this helps with your guessing.


  1. Hope you get your computer fixed. I just recently had computer problems, so I know what you are going through. Looking forward to seeing your new series.

    1. Yeah it's been a real pain. Dad fixed it once himself, but it didn't last long. Thanks, I hope it gets fixed soon also. I just hope the certain dolls that I want/need for the series(because they have that certain look) don't go out of stock on Amazon before I get the money needed.

  2. I will keep an eye out for the new series!

    1. Thanks Muff, I hope I get it started soon, or at least get the set and props ready before summer break is over. Wish me luck! ;)
